Each week on the blog, I’ll pick one viewer photo for the “#SkyCandy of the Week” award. The prize? Pride! There’s no doubt who gets the inaugural honor.

Courtesy: Greg McCown
Courtesy: Greg McCown

Photographer: Greg McCown

Location: Marana, AZ near I-10 and Marana Road.

Date taken: August 8th, 2015

Camera: Nikon D600

That’s what he said: “I headed out late afternoon, shot a little on the SE side, then drove across town catching up with Bryan Snider and Chris Frailey, two awesome photographers/stormchasers. We shot for a little while, then got dumped on by a microburst while driving up the freeway. I-10 slowed to a near crawl, with half the traffic pulling over and stopping completely. Can’t blame them as visibility dropped to 20 feet. At the next stop Bryan and Chris headed NW back towards home and I headed SE towards this rainbow. I was just trying to find a foreground without telephone poles or other junk in the way. Found it just in time as this was the last bolt to strike before the storm dissipated into nothing.”

Honorable Mentions

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